xStrava - A comprehensive solution for employee catering management

A comprehensive solution for employee catering management

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Nutrition/Food – a module file of Clevork applications. Its purpose is to order, manage and distribute food for employees.  It works as an individual module or an integrated component of the attendance system, included in the KFB Control s.r.o’s portfolio.


Food is ordered via the order kiosk. The employee will be identified in the ordering system when swiping their card through the terminal. Subsequently food can be ordered and existing orders for the following days can be managed.

Food is distributed through the Precisco distributory terminal. Which has a transparent graphic display and visibly shows selected order and its contains.

The system allows the choice from multiple meals, when needed the costumer can modify the order. It is possible to combine different meals for different time frames, including breakfast, lunch and dinner. The time frame for food ordering can also be set for the next day as well as the possibility of a number of advanced settings.

Main Advantages

The system is simply administrated and serviced. Since xNutrition is KFB s.r.o.‘s own product the implementation of any costumer changes and extensions.

The most important system qualities/properties:

  • the menu can be imported in a file form, for example Excel format.
  • Manual modification of imported menus
  • meals output overview
  • exports and reports
  • the option of a large order in the case of visitors, excursions
  • multiple daily meals
  • the utilization of existing access cards and tags / pendants
  • support of all available card and pendants technologies
  • multiple languages with the option of adding more
  • simple and clear design

System administration

Employees can access the application portal through internet authorization websites. Here they can do administrative tasks/ regulate the system, manage menus, view orders and create data reports and exports.


The kiosk with a touch-display and an integrated card scanner functions to create an orders. Any PC with a card and pendant scanner included can be used for this task.

Food is distributed through the Precisco informatory terminal, which is KFB s.r.o.‘s own product, that can be used to record attendance, view information for employees, order benefits and so on.

  • Application Nutrition allows the creation of other modules and change in functionality to fit the customers needs.

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